For 30 years, I am leading Intelligent Transport Systems projects for France and Europe
Intelligent Transport Systems
Knowledge modelling, Multimodal information systems, Specification of user needs, Training
Data Models
Development of the European Reference Data Model for Public Transport
Conformity Check
Conformity evaluation methodology, Conformity check to data standards
Expertise in the field of Public Transport within the European Standardisation Committee, information modeling
Information Systems
Specification of integrated systems' architecture for ITS
Project management
Key-member and Director of the Economic Interest (Transexpert et TRUST), technical coordination of European Projects
Who Am I?
Independant Consultant
KBIC (KASIA BOUREE INGENIEUR CONSEIL) is a consultancy based in France led by Kasia Bourée, consultant since 1992.
KBIC has cooperated over years with the main actors Public Transport Operators & Authorities, Universities, Engineering and Consulting Firms in the field of Research and Development in the sector of information systems for Public Transport.
Kasia Bourée has acted in the past as technical coordinator of EU projects (Cassiope, Transmodel, Harpist) in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems.
More recently:
- She was member of the European Expert Group elaborating recommendations to the European standardisation organisations as regards standardisation needs in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in urban areas in support of the European Directive 2010/40/EU, leading to the standardisation Mandate 546.
- on behalf of the Joint Research Centre of the EC she lead a Project Team within the ELISE programme providing support to the EU Members States in the implementation of the EU Delegated Regulation 2017/1926,
- On behalf of CEN she lead the Project Team for the specification of Models and Definitions for the New Modes of Transport (vehicle sharing/rental or vehicle pooling).
- She is currently one of the 6 experts within the Project Data4PT, the EU Programme Support Action (2019-2023).
KBIC is:
- Leader of the / Sub-Group 4 (Transmodel) of CEN TC 278 Working Group 3 (Public transport),
- Member of the sub-groups (NeTEx, SIRI, OpRa) and of CEN working groups involved in Mobility Integration (CEN TC278 WG17 and ISO TC204 WG19).
- French representative within the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO Technical Committee 204 WG8 (Public Transport and Emergency) & WG 19 (Mobility Integration)).
- Member of AFNOR standardisation committees.
- She studied at the Polytechnic School and the University of Zurich (Switzerland). In 1979, she obtained the degree of MSc (in the field of algebra) in Mathematics and Physics
- In 1990, she post-graduated in Computer Science (in the field of artificial intelligence) at the University of Marseille (France)
- French Fluent
- English Fluent
- German Fluent
- Polish Native
- Portuguese Fluent
- Italian Mainly oral

Sample of projects led during the last years
- Transmodel v5.1 developed using the methodologies Entity/Relationship and Unified Modeling Language, becomes a European Norm (EN12896) in 2006;
- IFOPT, a complement to Transmodel becomes a European norm in 2006 (EB28701);
- Transmodel V6, replaces the previous version in 2006 and 2019;
- NeTEx (CEN TS16614) is a standard for the exchange of static data (network, timetables, fares) defined by Transmodel;
- The data model for the alternative modes of transport is published as the standard CEN TS 17413 in 2020.
Leadership and/or participation in:
- Cassiope, EuroBus, Harpist, Titan aiming at the specification and implementation of the European Data Model for Public transport (Transmodel) in the domains:
- Public transport network definition
- Scheduling and timetabling
- Passenger information
- Fare management
- Operations control
- Management information and statistics
- IFOPT, aiming at information modeling of points of interest and transport service oriented zones
- NeTEx, providing the data exchange format for the exchange of static Transmodel data
- “Urban ITS Prestudy”, leading to recommendations of CEN standardisation (Mandate 546)
- “Definitions and Models for New Modes” leading to the specification of information needed for the alternative modes of transport
A range of studies in the domain of multimodal information systems on behalf of the French Ministry of transport.
Interface between geographical information systems (based on the GDF norm) and public transport systems based on Transmodel (ISO TC204 WG3)
- Conformity check within the R&D Project “INSPIRE contribution to MMTIS” within the ELISE Programme:
- of rail data exchange formats and EU norms
- of air transport standards (IATA) and EU norms
- of open data formats with EU data standards
- Methodology for conformance check
Transmodel tutorial

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